Self Isolation Work

Spring Term - Week 1 (WB 3.1.22)
Thursday 6th January
Lesson 1 - Watch the Maths video and complete the linked worksheet.
Lesson 2 - Read chapter 8 of the story Phyllis and The Fossil Finders. Answer the 5 questions about the text (found on PowerPoint).
Lesson 3 - Science.
Can you use books or the internet to find information out about our new topic in Science, Forces and Magnets? You could make a poster with what you have found out.
Maths - worksheet Thursday 6th
Friday 7th January
Lesson 1 - Watch the Maths video and complete the linked worksheet.
Lesson 2 - Work through the PowerPoint looking at using apostrophes for possession. Choose a worksheet to complete depending on your confidence ( 1* - 3*)
Lesson 3 - Draw With Rob
Follow Rob Biddulph's video to draw an alien.