Year 2
Supporting Your Child at Home (General Tips)
Home Learning & Remote Teaching 'Must See' Documents
Week by Week Work: Spring Half Term 1
Week by Week Work: Spring Half Term 2
For Self Isolating Children
Useful Websites
Here are a selection of useful websites which we will use for online learning.
Some of these are platforms which the children may log into - we will send information out daily about what you are required to sign into or not.
Other websites are free to use, non-subscription based sites. If you are looking for extra challenge work, ideas to support, or just some time-fillers, these are great options.
As always, please only let children browse the internet whilst supervised and remember that we are not responsible for any external content, including but not limited to adverts on those sites.
MyMaths This is where we will set most of our maths tasks...
Purple Mash We set an assortment of tasks here, as well as hosting some PowerPoints (certain Twinkl PowerPoints are permitted to be shared under their Ts&Cs, but only when protected on a private or pass-worded platform).
Numbots Numbots is a GREAT way to practise addition and subtraction skills! Soon, we'll also add TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars).
Twinkl Go Twinkl Go has some great interactive activities and games. We will sometimes send you codes!
ActiveLearn (Bug Club) Bug Club is where you can practise lots of great reading to develop your fluency and comprehension. We also sometimes set SPAG activities here!
Phonics Play The lovely people at Phonics Play have made the site free again for lockdown. If your child DID NOT pass the Phonics Screening Check, this resource is INVALUABLE! Please use it DAILY! They even have sections which help explain phonics to parents!
Epic Books Many of you took us up on the offer of creating an account, but if you didn't it's not too late!
ICT Games - Maths An amazing assortment of free to play maths games...
ICT Games - English An amazing assortment of free to play English games... We especially like the ones which help with spelling!
TopMarks Another wonderful learning games website. You can use the search function to find just about anything for Maths and English!
BBC Bitesize KS1 There is LOADS to explore, but we especially like the Maths and English sections (Karate Cats and Small Town Superheroes)
BBC Supermovers Want to get moving to a funky beat AND learn at the same time? This is your site!
Jack Hartmann Kids' Music Channel Another amazing set of learning songs! We love Jack Hartmann! His maths songs like Count to 100, and some of his skip counting songs are frequently on our playlist!
Oak National Academy This is the Government's own resource for daily learning.
Solvemoji It's algebra, but with emoji icons! Start with Junior Level 1 and see how you get on.
White Rose Maths This is the scheme we follow in school. We are going to slightly change the sequence of learning so you get some more practical, stand-alone modules at home (e.g. time, money, length) and hopefully we'll be back in school soon to teach things like multiplication, division and fractions in person!
Art Projects for Kids This link specifically takes you to the "How to Draw" resources.